Language: | Urdu |
Publish from: | Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Dehradun, UK |
Registered: | Registrar of Newspapers for India |
Empanelled: | Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity |
Editor: | Aman Abbas |
Sahafat Delhi: | 3/133, First Floor, Lalita Park Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi - 110092 |
Phone No.: | +91 11-22460353, 22447120 |
Fax: | +91 11-22056779 |
Email: | |
Mumbai: | A-161, Prince Building Compound, Ground Floor, ER Road, Mumbai - 400003 |
Phone No.: | +91 022 23747828 |
Email: | |
Lucknow: | Salempur House, 25, Qaisarbagh, Lucknow |
Phone No.: | +91 0522-2202683, 4041446 |
Email: | |
Sahafat UK: | Teddington Grove, Perry Barr, Birmingham B 42IRG U.K. |
Phone No.: | +44 78973 86368 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Last Update: | September, 2023 |
Sahafat is an Urdu Daily Newspaper Publish from Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, Mumbai Maharashtra, Delhi, Dehradun, India. The Newspaper is Multi Edition.