Gawah Urdu Weekly

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  • Newspaper (Epaper)
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Language: Urdu
Publish from: Hyderabad
Registered: Registrar of Newspapers for India
Empanelled: Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity
Editor: Dr. Syed Fazil Hussain Parvez
Address: 20/3RT, Sayeedabad Colony, Hyderabad-500059
Fax: 040-23249469
Last Update: May, 2022

Gawah Urdu

Gawah weekly is an Indian Urdu weekly Magazine that is published in Urdu from Hyderabad, India. The Urdu weekly of Gawah is believed to be Hyderabad and most widely circulated Urdu magazine. Gawah weekly focuses on national, international, local Hyderabad News, sports, articles, and International news in Urdu. Gawah weekly is available on the internet in e-paper format.