Bike transportation fee: How much does it cost to transport a bike by train?

Bike Transfer from the train: If you would also like to transport your bike by train, you can find out the complete process here.

Dec 17, 2023 - 17:47
Bike transportation fee: How much does it cost to transport a bike by train?
Bike transportation, find out about the entire process online and offline

Bike Transfer from the train: If you would also like to transport your bike by train, you can find out the complete process here.

Bike transfer from the train: We often have to transport our bike from one city to another. If we take the help of a private parcel service for this, we may have to spend thousands of rupees. But you can get the same job done with very little money from the Indian Railways. Yes, Railways also offer you this facility to carry your bike as luggage or parcel from one city to another. Luggage means you are travelling in the same train in which the bike is transported and parcel means you are simply transporting the goods and not travelling in that train. Let us know what is the online and offline method and how much you need to spend on it.

Offline booking process

  • Go to the booking station for parcels
  • Fill out the booking form manually
  • Submit duly completed waybill along with the parcel
  • The parcel is weighed and the freight charges are calculated manually at the booking desk
  • Deposit the freight charges and collect the Railway Receipt (RR)
  • Submit the original RR and collect the parcel at the destination statio

Online booking process

  • www.parcel. Visit
  • Register and login to the portal
  • Fill the origin and destination stations in the online form
  • Select a train from the list of trains suggested by the system
  • Fill out the booking form (forward note)
  • The system will calculate the estimated freight charges
  • Deposit system generated e-forwarding note into warehouse
  • Hand over the parcel to the originating station with the printout of the e-forwarding note.

How much will the airfare cost?

The price of shipping a bike by rail is calculated according to weight and distance. The baggage charges for transporting a bike are higher than for parcels. The average price for shipping a bike over a distance of 500 kilometres is usually 1200 rupees. However, there may be a difference depending on the distance and weight of the bike. In addition, packing the bike can cost 300-500 rupees.

Keep these things in mind before you transport a bike

To transport a bicycle as a parcel or luggage, you need to keep a few things in mind. For example, make booking at least one day before the day you want to ship the bike. At the time of booking, you should have the bike's registration certificate and insurance documents with you. You should also take important documents such as Aadhaar and driver's license with you. Before packing the bike, empty the fuel tank completely. If there is petrol in the vehicle, a fine of Rs 1000 can be imposed.