Rahma | Talib Al Habib (Mix)

Rahma | Talib Al Habib (Mix)

Rahma | Talib Al Habib (Mix)
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Salla Allahu ‘ala Muhammad
Salla Allahu ‘alayhi Wa sallam

Ar-rahimuna yarhamuhum Ar-Rahman
Tabaraka wa ta’ala

Irhamu man fi al-ard yarhamkum
Man fi as-sama

The people of love and compassion
Will receive the unending mercy

Of the all-Compassionate Lord of all
Blessed and exalted be He.

Be merciful kind and compassionate
To all that dwell on the earth

And the one who is beyond the sky
Will be kind and merciful to you

Ar-rahimuna yarhamuhum Ar-Rahman
Tabaraka wa ta’ala

Irhamu man fi al-ard yarhamkum
Man fi as-sama

Salla Allahu ‘ala Muhammad
Salla Allahu ‘alayhi Wa sallam

Our beloved master Muhammad (saw)
Was a mercy to all of the worlds

For bird and beats, for man and tree
His compassion cmbraced then all

Mercy is the way of our Lord
And of our beloved guide

May it be the heart and be the soul
Of every believers life

Ar-rahimuna yarhamuhum Ar-Rahman
Tabaraka wa ta’ala

Irhamu man fi al-ard yarhamkum
Man fi as-sama

Salla Allahu ‘ala Muhammad
Salla Allahu ‘alayhi Wa sallam