Al Habib | Talib Al Habib (Mix)

Al Habib | Talib Al Habib (Mix)

Al Habib | Talib Al Habib (Mix)
Al Habib.mp3
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La ilaha illallah
Muhammadun Rasool Allah

Alayhi salatullah
Wa alihi wal ahibba

Shine your mercy like the sun
And be gracious as the earth

Let your kindness come like rain
That cares not whom it falls upon

And let ocean deep your wisdom be
Your heart a lantern spreading peace

Give yourself in love of him
Be like Al-Habib

And in your deepest need
And in your deepest grief

Call on him humility Be
Place your trust in the one

To whom creation turns
You’ll find redemption and find peace

La ilaha illallah
Muhammadun Rasool Allah

Alayhi salatullah
Wa alihi wal ahibba

Be a blazing fire of truth
Be his soothing bond of peace

With the light of your sincerity
Break the clouds of tyranny

Le your faith be like a blessed tree
Give your shades to all who seek

May your roots run true and deep
Take your strength from Al-Habib

Ya Nabi(saw) salam alayk
Ya Rasool salam alayk

Ya Habib(saw) salam alayk
Salawatullah alayk

And know that certainty
Will bring tranquillity

Contentment with Allah decree
Give thanks for all that comes

Be patient and know that
Someday you will return to him

La ilaha illallah
Muhammadun Rasool Allah

Alayhi salatullah
Wa alihi wal ahibba

Hold fast to the company
Of the folk of certainty

Through their gaze and through
Your love for them

May you be as one of them
Be as gentle as the whispering breeze

Spread solace to the world were in
Let your heart and soul be mirror dear

Give life and love to Al-Habib
And stand before Allah

Ya Nabi(saw) salam alayk
Ya Rasool salam alayk

Ya Habib(saw) salam alayk
Salawatullah alayk

Like nothing else exists
And worship him like you are seen

Be with all creation in all your deeds
And words as though you have no self to please

La ilaha illallah
Muhammadun Rasool Allah

Alayhi salatullah
Wa alihi wal ahibba

Yet when you master all of this
Forget not your neediness

Were it not for Allahs grace
None of this can be achieved

So be humble as the lowly earth
That all creatures walk upon

Be the slave of the most merciful
Take your light from Al-Habib

So shine your mercy like sun
Send your light across the earth

Let your kindness flow like rivers
Quench the thirst of all who come

And let mountain strong your spirit be
Let your heart melt out of love for him

Take the road that leads to him
May you be with Al-Habib

Ya Nabi(saw) salam alayk
Ya Rasool salam alayk

Ya Habib(saw) salam alayk
Salawatullah alayk

La ilaha illallah
Muhammadun Rasool Allah

Alayhi salatullah
Wa alihi wal ahibba